Prayer Circle

One of three groups that provides healing in our church family, the Prayer Circle group meets every Tuesday to read names of those needing prayers for:
Those suffering from Illness
Cancer Patients and their Care-Givers
Those Requiring Spiritual Support
Also to Give Thanks for Joys in the World
PDCC has had an active Prayer Circle for over 15 years. We meet every Tuesday to offer prayers of intercession for you and those you know and love. We start our weekly session taking turns as “Leader”. The Leader offers subject matter for discussion. This may be a Biblical passage, a book reference, a personal experience, etc. There’s always plenty of discussion. We then move onto our Prayer Lists. Our Prayer Lists include prayers for the elderly, those with illness or injury, cancer and those who may need spiritual help. We end with our list of “Joys and Spotlight Moments”. All names on our lists are held in strict confidence. Our lists are constantly growing and changing. Often, a first name is more than enough; God knows for whom we pray. Our Prayer Circle is open and welcoming; please feel free to join us. We meet Tuesdays, at 9:30 am, in the Community Room. We keep our church family in our prayers. If you or someone you know needs prayers, please us the "Request Prayers" button on this page or contact the church office at (401) 789-7313.