Peace Dale Congregational Church supports both local and global initiatives and missions. PDCC leads the way in both Green Energy and Social Justice Needs.

Dinner Table
Peace Dale Dinner Table prepares and delivers 240+ well-balanced meals twice a week to local community residents. This mission is handled entirely by volunteers.
Volunteer here or contact the church office.

Mission of the Month
Each month, PDCC focuses support on an agency or program serving the local community. Monthly Missions have included Habitat for Humanity of South County, PDCC's Local Crisis Fund, Jonnycake Center, and the Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County.

Pumpkins with a Purpose
Every October PDCC sponsors a pumpkin sale to benefit Welcome House of South County, which has provided emergency and transitional housing to homeless individuals & families for 30 years, and a daily soup kitchen open to the public. A truck load of pumpkins, grown on an Indian Reservation, are delivered to the church and sold throughout October. We have collected and donated an average of $10,000 to Welcome House each year.

Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice committee works on many issues that arise in our Community -- meeting with other churches and the town on upcoming efforts.
SAFE PLAYGROUNDS: We are working with HOPE Is On The Horizon to provide new playgrounds at Champagne Heights and Fournier Estates.

Tabitha's Closet
Tabitha’s Closet ministry offers gently-used clothing for suggested minimum donations.
​Tabitha's Closet is open Saturday mornings 9:30am - 12:00 noon

UCC Ministries
Our mission extends globally through our work with the Rhode Island Conference United Church of Christ (RICUCC) and our gifts to United Church of Christ (UCC) Global Ministries. Examples include supporting refugees, disaster ministry response, and collecting supplies and assembling Church World Service School and Hygiene Kits.