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Image by Anthony Cantin
Image by Kiwihug


The Committee on Church and Ministry, Rhode Island Association of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ


Peace Dale Congregational Church


cordially invites all church members, family, friends,
and the Outreach Community


To The Service of




 Reverend A. Fred Evenson


As our Settled 

Senior Minister



Sunday, March 19, 2023 – Two O'clock in the Afternoon


 Peace Dale Congregational Church

261 Columbia Street, Peace Dale, RI 02879


A Reception in Fellowship Hall will follow the service.



The Rev. Dr. Claudia Demick, Chair of the Rhode Island Association
Committee on Ministry, from Central Congregational Church (Providence), will help us celebrate Pastor Fred’s Installation.



Pastor Fred would like to encourage all to wear aprons, symbolizing
Peace Dale Congregational Church as an Apron-Wearing Church.



Peace Dale Congregational Church

An Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

Image by Olga Thelavart
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