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The Rose Window Society allows members to be recognized for significant donations to the Church's Endowment. To become a member:


  • Make an outright financial commitment of $5,000, payable over five years, to the Church Endowment in addition to the Annual Giving Commitment.

  • Name Peace Dale Church as a beneficiary of Retirement Plan Assets (Any amount; endowed or non-endowed purpose.)

  • Charitable IRA Rollover Distribution for those over 70 1 /2 (Any amount; endowed or non-endowed purpose.)

  • Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Remainder or Lead Trust, or by giving to the United Church of Christ Pooled Income Fund benefiting Peace Dale Church as managed through the United Church of Christ Office of Planned Giving (Minimums for each fund apply. Contact the church, 401-789-7313, who will put you in touch with a member of the PDCC Planned Giving Committee.

  • Naming Peace Dale Church as a beneficiary of Life Insurance. (Any amount; endowed or non-endowed purpose. NOTE: The church is not able to assume annual premium payments.)

  • Documenting a percentage or fixed dollar amount through a Last Will and Testament or Living/Revocable Trust. (Any amount; endowed or non-endowed purpose.)

Peace Dale Congregational Church
261 Columbia Street
South Kingstown, RI 02879

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Church Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Thurs - 10 am to 2 pm

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