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Image by Clay Banks

Called to Care

One of three groups that provides healing in our church family, Called to Care is organized through ​the Deacons of the Church to provide:​


  • thinking-of-you cards,

  • phone calls,

  • emails or text messages of love,

  • a visit from a member or,

  • a visit from the pastor.


The Called to Care Ministry is a trained group of dedicated lay ministers who assist the minister in their pastoral duties. It is designed to be a three-tiered approach of intervention consisting of individuals in our congregation who send cards, make telephone calls and/or visit those who may benefit from or request -- a spiritually intimate level of care. Life’s experiences may include, but are not limited to illness, grieving or being homebound. Before COVID, members of our congregation would also make hospital and nursing home visits. They continue to assist the minister with updates and recommendations. Called to Care is one more way that members of Peace Dale Congregational Church can be the face of Christ to each other and our greater community. Today, these caring congregants continue the visitor program, training new volunteers and continuing to spread God’s love and fellowship wherever it may be needed. If you would like to be part of the program or would like a visit, please use the "Request Care" button on this page or contact the church office: (401) 789-7313

Image by Jessica Delp
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Peace Dale Congregational Church
261 Columbia Street
South Kingstown, RI 02879

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Church Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Thurs - 10 am to 2 pm

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